
potash fertilizer Learn more about potash fertilizer

  • Why can the price of potash fertilizer in China become a "world depression"?

    Why can the price of potash fertilizer in China become a

    In late March this year, after nearly five months of arduous negotiations, the Chinese joint negotiation team and supplier representative BPC (Belarusian Potash Company) reached an agreement on this year's potash import contract at a price of US $CFR315 per ton, an increase of US $10 / ton over last year's contract price.

    2016-03-20 China potash price why can become " the world depression
  • What is the function of potash fertilizer?

    What is the function of potash fertilizer?

    What is the function of potash fertilizer? Is there any way to increase the content of potash in the field? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce that potassium is one of the three elements of fertilizer. Potassium in plants generally accounts for 0.2%-4.1% of dry matter weight, second only to nitrogen. The planting network sorted out the effect of potash fertilizer on crops and the methods to improve the utilization rate of potash fertilizer.

  • Organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer can not replace potash fertilizer

    Organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer can not replace potash fertilizer

    In field crop production, the phenomenon of excessive application of potash fertilizer is generally less, and the phenomenon of potassium deficiency in crops can be found everywhere. In recent years, farmers have gradually realized the role of applying potash fertilizer, but there are still some misunderstandings: first, they think that they can no longer apply potash fertilizer after applying organic fertilizer; second, they do not want to apply potash fertilizer again after applying compound fertilizer.

  • How to improve the efficiency of potash fertilizer?

    How to improve the efficiency of potash fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when applying potash fertilizer to rice? The application of potash fertilizer can significantly increase the yield of rice. Sufficient potassium can enhance photosynthesis, promote sugar synthesis and accumulation, improve plant resistance, enhance root respiration, promote nitrogen absorption and protein synthesis, make rice grains large and full and high yield.

  • What is potash fertilizer? What kinds do you have?

    What is potash fertilizer? What kinds do you have?

    Potash fertilizer is a kind of fertilizer that farmers can not do without in their daily work, but in fact, many friends do not know what potash fertilizer is. What kinds do you have? Next, let's have a brief understanding. What is potash fertilizer? Potash fertilizer, the full name of potassium fertilizer. To

    2020-11-27 Potash fertilizer what is potash fertilizer?
  • What are the functions of potash fertilizer?

    What are the functions of potash fertilizer?

    What are the functions of potash fertilizer? What should be paid attention to when applying potash fertilizer? One. The effect of potash fertilizer on crops 1. It can promote crops to make better use of nitrogen, increase the content of protein, and promote the formation of sugar and starch; 2. Make nucleolus, seed, fruit and tuber, root enlarge, shape and color beautiful.

  • What are the potash fertilizers? What are the characteristics?

    What are the potash fertilizers? What are the characteristics?

    What are the potash fertilizers? What are the characteristics and how to identify the true and false? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the varieties of potash fertilizer commonly seen in the market, such as simple potash fertilizer, potassium sulfate, potassium silicate and so on. The following farming network lists its characteristics and identification methods in detail for netizens' reference. First, common types of potash fertilizer:.

  • Phosphate and potash fertilizer market continues to improve

    Phosphate and potash fertilizer market continues to improve

    Phosphate and potash fertilizer market continues to improve

  • What are the potash products? How should it be used? When should I replenish potash?

    What are the potash products? How should it be used? When should I replenish potash?

    When it is time to supplement potash fertilizer, some farmers still do not know the importance of potash fertilizer, what potash products are and how they should be used, resulting in missing the opportunity to supplement potash fertilizer. Potassium is one of the three elements of fertilizer, and potassium in plants generally accounts for the weight of dry matter.

    2020-11-09 Potash fertilizer products have which should how apply what when
  • What are the common potash fertilizers? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

    What are the common potash fertilizers? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

    For planting friends, chemical fertilizer is naturally all too familiar. In order to improve the yield and quality of crops, it is necessary to apply fertilizers such as nitrogen fertilizer, potash fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer. These three fertilizers are necessary for the growth and fruit of crops or fruit trees, especially potash fertilizer.

    2020-11-27 Commonly used commonly used potash fertilizer have which each has what for
  • When is the good time to apply potash fertilizer to rice?

    When is the good time to apply potash fertilizer to rice?

    When is the good time to apply potash fertilizer to rice? Please introduce and guide the scientific and rational application of potash fertilizer in rice production, which plays an important role in cultivating strong grain seedlings, improving disease resistance, insect resistance, lodging resistance and seed setting rate, and obtaining high and stable yield. But when is the best time to apply potash fertilizer in the process of rice planting? ...

  • How to apply potassium fertilizer to Clivia sinensis

    How to apply potassium fertilizer to Clivia sinensis

    How to apply potassium fertilizer to Clivia sinensis

  • What should we pay attention to when applying biological potash fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when applying biological potash fertilizer?

    How to apply potash fertilizer to cotton? The method of supplementary application of potash fertilizer for cotton is generally based on bottom fertilizer and crude fertilizer. At present, the returning of straw to the field should be vigorously promoted. According to the survey, about 800 kilograms of land is returned to the soil every 667 square meters, which can not only return 4 kilograms of potassium oxide to the soil, but also convert the delayed potassium in the soil into available potassium. Potash fertilizer.

  • What are the functions of crop fertilizer potash fertilizer? Which crops are most suitable? Where does it work best?

    What are the functions of crop fertilizer potash fertilizer? Which crops are most suitable? Where does it work best?

    Potash fertilizer has always been one of the three indispensable elements in the process of crop growth. If crops lack potash fertilizer, they will get rickets and fall down easily. What are the effects of potash fertilizer? Which crops are most suitable? The first function of potash fertilizer is to improve stress resistance. Potassium has grown in plants.

    2020-11-09 Crop fertilizer potash fertilizer function have which is the most applicable
  • What problems should be paid attention to when applying potash fertilizer?

    What problems should be paid attention to when applying potash fertilizer?

    What problems should be paid attention to when applying potash fertilizer? What is the effect of applying potash fertilizer? Please introduce the following problems to be paid attention to when applying potash fertilizer: first, pay attention to the soil condition. In general, the effect of potassium fertilizer application was obvious when the soil available potassium was lower than that of 80mg ∕ kg, but little or no application of soil available potassium in 80~120mg ∕ kg. In addition, the speed of sand.

  • Can crops get high yield only by applying potash fertilizer again? How to use it reasonably?

    Can crops get high yield only by applying potash fertilizer again? How to use it reasonably?

    In terms of fertilizer, there is no saying that which kind of fertilizer is good and which kind of fertilizer is bad, but in fertilizer, potash fertilizer is indeed a relatively special existence, so can crops re-apply potash fertilizer to achieve high yield? How to use it reasonably? What is the function of potash fertilizer? Be able to lift

    2020-11-09 Crops heavy application potash fertilizer ability grab high yield how reasonable
  • Scientific application of potash fertilizer

    Scientific application of potash fertilizer

    Potassium is one of the three elements of fertilizer, and the demand for potassium in many vegetables is often greater than that of nitrogen and phosphorus. The potassium content of well-growing vegetables is 2.5% of its dry matter content, which is higher than that of nitrogen and phosphorus. Most vegetables absorb more potassium than nitrogen. For example, the ratio of nitrogen to potassium absorbed by cucumbers is 1: (1.5-1.7), that of pumpkins is 2.1 and that of tomatoes is 1.

  • Granular potash fertilizer steps into the fast lane of development.

    Granular potash fertilizer steps into the fast lane of development.

    Granular potash fertilizer steps into the fast lane of development.

  • Cautions for Potassium Fertilizer Application

    Cautions for Potassium Fertilizer Application

    Cautions for Potassium Fertilizer Application

  • What are the identification methods of potash fertilizer?

    What are the identification methods of potash fertilizer?

    How to use irrigating fertilizer in greenhouse? Is there any way to learn from it? First, the combination of topdressing and flushing fertilization to select high-quality fertilizer, mainly multi-component compound fertilizer, the combination of topdressing and flushing application can not only solve the problem of surface root fertilizer, but also activate the soil layer through topdressing, increase root activity and slow down.
